How To Do Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is to segment or divide the total market that exists for a homogeneous product in different submarkets composed of consumers with similar characteristics, and then select from a...

The Best Ways To Use Tech In Your Business

You may not realise that technology can be a wonderful resource for a small business like yours. We are here to show you how. Whether you are looking to market your business effectively or keep it ...

Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Let’s look at marketing 10 tips dedicated to small businesses that can help us increase our customer base and our sales. Specialize in one type of product The produce or offer only one type of pr...

Concept and functions of marketing

Many people often think that marketing is only related to the promotion or advertising a business, but the fact is that the promotion and advertising are just two of the many aspects covered by the...

Drone Affiliate Programs

The drone market is forecasted to become the next trillion dollar industry and its poised to explode in the next year or two. Now is the time to start jockeying for position… DroneFly Affiliate C...

Vital Marketing Ideas You Should Use Now

There are many different marketing techniques you could use to promote your company. The trouble is that most of them will not provide a healthy return on your investment. You need to take some tim...

The Best Online Marketing Services

Thanks to the Internet, attracting new customers has never been easier for small businesses. Online marketing gives small businesses the ability to promote their products and services to custome...

Hidden advantages of savings accounts

Savings accounts? Are you crazy? Boo, hiss. These days, savings accounts are only used as joke fodder for late-night comedians. Take the mom who wants to teach her kids the value of prudent financi...